On April 24, 2021, Fr. Carter interviewed Sandy Pricer, Basilica parishioner, and the Founder and Co-Director of the St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op. Click to read or watch the interview and for links to more information about our homeschool co-op.
Select the title to view a list of our regular scheduled ministry activities, and then click the name of the particular ministry for more information. Please note that parish activities on campus are limited during the coronavirus outbreak. However, many of our groups have resumed on-campus and others are continuing to meet virtually, outdoors, off-campus, etc.
Do you love classical education? Do you desire to homeschool within a supportive, faithfully Catholic community? Regina Caeli Academy, a university-style hybrid education program for preschool through 12th grade, has been invited to consider starting up a school in Chattanooga this fall. They are hosting an information session on Sunday, April 18 at 4pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 313 Sylvan St. Click here to find out more about Regina Caeli Academy, and contact Shannon Hinson at 423-991-8352 to sign up for the information session.
SPEAK FOR LIFE! The Greater Chattanooga Right to Life 2021 Oratory Contest for high school students will be held March 27. This event involves researching, writing, and presenting a short speech. Entries must be received by March 23rd. The competition offers cash prizes and a chance to compete at the state and national level. Click for details.
On Feb. 5, 2021, Fr. Carter interviewed Sandy Pricer, Basilica parishioner and President/Co-founder of the RISE UP Cooperative, a social service initiative to help at-risk teens and young adults gain life skills. The interview is presented in Fr. Carter's pastor's notes for Feb. 14 and Feb. 21, 2021, and the full transcript and video are included below.
DYM, the Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul's Downtown Youth Ministry, will be offering Wednesday in-person meetings 6-8pm and Sunday virtual meetings 6:30-8pm beginning in Lent! All 6th to 12th grade students are welcome! Click for schedule details.
Looking for a Catholic homeschool experience with like-minded families? St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op, meeting in person on Fridays from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in downtown Chattanooga, will take registrations March 1 through June 15 for the 2021-22 school year. Classes begin August 20 for nursery-aged children through high schoolers. Classes offered include Latin, Spanish, Theology, History, Geography, and Science. Details and registration forms are posted on the Homeschool Co-Op page of the Basilica website (Click here.)
We are conducting a comprehensive survey of the parish. This planning study follows an extensive process that helped produce our strategic priorities. Before we make any final decisions regarding proposed plans for our Basilica and our parish, we would like to hear from you regarding our needs and the possibility of conducting a major fundraising effort. Your feedback will enable us to determine potential support for several projects. Your input is valuable as we plan for the future of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Rise UP Cooperative is a new organization in Chattanooga offering life skills for at-risk teens to help them become Responsible, Empowered, and Productive. Virtual classes are offered Tuesdays 7-8 pm via Zoom. Visit riseupcooperative.org or Facebook page Contact Sandy Pricer office@riseupcooperative.org 423-708-5447 to take part in classes or to volunteer. Click for more info.
The Catholic Schools Raffle is under way. $10/ticket with $6.50 going directly to schools for tuition assistance. The Basilica partners with Notre Dame High School to sell tickets. There are 16 prizes totaling $27,000! Buy tickets through Dec 29 at myndhs.com, or get an order form in the parish office or at Notre Dame High School. Winners will be drawn on Jan. 11th.
Registration for Religious Education (grades preK-12), Youth Group (grades 6-12), and Jubilate Deo Youth Schola (grades 2-12) is now open on our website, and there will be a combination of in-person and virtual options starting in September. Even if your child will not be part of in-person classes, PLEASE REGISTER so that you will be included in the virtual offerings.