With the current rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations affecting all ages and even within our parish family, we want to remind you to stay home if you are not feeling well. There are currently no mandates in effect for Mass, but everyone is encouraged to show respect to one another and discern the safety precautions best for your situation – such as social distancing, wearing masks, and/or taking the vaccine. Fr. Carter has written a Pastor’s Notes stating that the choice to take the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is morally sound and should be voluntary. You can read it in this weekend’s bulletin or at the link below. Fr. Carter will also resume wearing a mask at Communion time.
Following Bishop Stika's decrees -
3/3/22 Bishop Stika Decree regarding COVID restrictions - COVID restrictions removed
6/1/21 Revised Decree on Mass, Sacraments, and Funerals (holy water fonts, missals/hymnals return to pews, cleaning after Mass lifted
5/18/21 Revised Decree on Public Mass and Gatherings (return to Sunday obligation with mask requirement lifted - read here)
5/5/21 Revised Decree on Public Mass and Gatherings (return to Sunday obligation - read here),
3/25/21 Revised Decree on Public Mass and Gatherings (read here),
11/9/20 Revised Decree on Public Masses (read here),
5/6/20 Decree on the resumption of public Masses (read here),
Read the full Basilica Plan for Resuming Public Masses (5/21/20) here.
Additional provisions for sacramental celebrations including baptisms, confirmations, weddings, anointing of the sick, and funerals are addressed in the Bishop's decree on Sacraments. Face coverings and social distancing between members of different households are required for all such celebrations.
5/14/20 - Bishop's Decree on Sacraments
All meetings and gatherings throughout the diocese must follow the provisions of the Bishop's decree on meetings. Face coverings, health screening, and social distancing between members of different households are required for all meetings. The face covering requirement is removed if the meeting coordinator can ensure a minimum of 12 feet of physical distance between members at all times. Meetings are currently limited to 50 people.
6/8/20 - Diocese adjusts new meeting procedures in connection with COVID-19
Note: Meeting provisions have been further updated by Bishop Stika's 3/25/21 decree on Mass and Gatherings.
Please prepare by watching the training and reading the procedures below:
The parish office is open from 9am - 4pm Mon-Fri, and will be observing the following health guidelines with all visitors:
All visitors must ring the bell and be screened for questions relating to COVID-19 prior to entering. Have you:
If you have been exposed, have any symptoms, or are not felling well, you will not be able to enter the office.
Sign-in, temperature check, and masks will also be required for visitors to enter the office.
Call 423-266-1618 or email [email protected] We are here and able to assist most needs this way.
In addition to his decree on the coronavirus health measures for public Masses, Bishop Stika issued the following decree about all meetings and gatherings in the diocese:
6/8/20 - Diocese adjusts new meeting procedures in connection with COVID-19
Additional provisions for sacramental celebrations including baptisms, confirmations, weddings, anointing of the sick, and funerals are addressed in the Bishop's decree on Sacraments. Face coverings and social distancing between members of different households are required for all such celebrations.
5/14/20 - Bishop's Decree on Sacraments
During this time of the coronavirus, we have recourse to Mary, and in a special way through the ancient Sequence, Stella caeli exstirpavit, that was sung in time of plague. Our Basilica clergy and schola cantorum are singing this prayer daily. Read an article about this prayer and hear it sung here.