Our Christmas Masses include: an English Vigil Mass at 5:30pm on Dec. 24 (prelude music at 5pm); Midnight Traditional Novus Ordo Mass in Latin & English at 12am on Dec. 25 (prelude music at 11:30pm Dec. 24). Christmas Day English Mass at 10am, Spanish Mass at 12pm. On January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, a holy day of obligation, we will have a 12pm English Mass, a 6pm Traditional Novus Ordo in Latin, and 8pm Spanish Mass for the holy day of obligation. Click for details.
The Knights of Columbus Council 610 invites all men to a day retreat Sat., December 7, from 8:30am-4:30pm at Our Lady of the Mount in Lookout Mountain, GA. Registration is $15, including breakfast and lunch. Register at KofC610.org/retreat or by emailing [email protected].
This year, December 8 falls on the Second Sunday of Advent, and the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is transferred to Monday, December 9. We will have two Masses at the Basilica on December 9: a 12pm English Mass, celebrated by Bishop Beckman, and a 6pm Traditional Novus Ordo Mass. Bishop Beckman has dispensed the faithful from the usual obligation to attend Mass on this holy day because it falls on a Monday. Click for details.
On Sunday, December 8, there will be a coffee bar on the rectory lawn between the 9:00 and 11:30am Masses! Come out for fellowship and great drinks. You pick the price. Donations go to fund the next coffee event.
Rachel Williams and Laura McCarty have arranged for us to go caroling at Siskin's rehab dining room. All family members are welcome to join. No choir knowledge necessary to make the season Merry and Bright! Rachel will distribute folders. Or Rachel can give you a list of songs when you RSVP.
Please join us for our Basilica Motherhood monthly meeting hosted by Emily Prester and Kalista Bartee. It will be a December pre-Christmas party. We will only meet for the one Tuesday this month.
Chattanooga Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols will be held at BRAINERD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Thur. & Fri., Dec. 12 & 13 at 7 pm. Music will be presented by The Roueché Chorale & Symphony Orchestra. This promises to be a beautiful service of Advent and Christmas music that will stir your heart and help prepare you for the Christmas season! FREE TO THE PUBLIC. Call (423)-774-0317, visit www.therouechechorale.org, or our Facebook page for more information.
Tendremos nuestra procesión anual de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe al aire libre el jueves 12 de diciembre a las 7pm, comenzando con un Rosario en la Basílica (en español) a las 6:30pm, seguido de la procesión alrededor de la manzana y concluyendo en la iglesia con una misa en español. (CLICK TO READ IN ENGLISH)
Our Basilica St. Nicholas Dinner on Sunday, December 15, at 5pm, is an opportunity for parishioners of all ages to enjoy a catered dinner in Varallo Parish Hall. There will be games and crafts for the kids. SIGNUP is in the vestibule while space allows. Click for more info...
Because of the Vienna Light Orchestra concerts at the Basilica, we will not be able to offer the 12pm Mass or confessions on Tues. Dec. 17 or Wed. Dec. 18. The 7am Mass on Dec. 17 will be offered in the Basilica. The 7am Mass on Dec. 18 will be offered in the rectory chapel. Our public Vespers will not be offered on Dec. 17 & 18.
The Vienna Light Orchestra Christmas Tour is coming to the Basilica Dec. 17 & 18 for concerts at 1:30pm, 4:30pm and 7:30pm each day. Click to find out more and purchase tickets from the orchestra. Registered parishioners of the Basilica may use the code MEMBERS10 at checkout for a 10% discount. *** PLEASE NOTE: Because of these concerts, our 12pm MASS ON DEC 17 & 18 ARE CANCELED. OUR 7AM MASS DEC. 18 WILL BE IN THE RECTORY CHAPEL.
Ashley Bennett will be Hosting Drop by Crafting Days! Please come and go as you need. Ashley will have the space setup with supplies and snacks. Come chat and craft! Click for details.
Ashley Bennett will be Hosting Drop by Crafting Days! Please come and go as you need. Ashley will have the space setup with supplies and snacks. Come chat and craft! Click for details.
We will have Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday following the 12pm Mass until 5:30pm, and through the night from 9pm to 7am, hosted by our Hispanic community.
We will have Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday following the 12pm Mass until 5:30pm, and through the night from 9pm to 7am, hosted by our Hispanic community.
SEARCH provides an opportunity to think, talk, question, and wonder about life and faith in an accepting and challenging environment. It is an opportunity to experience God and God’s family in a personal and real way. Click for details and registration.
We will have Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday following the 12pm Mass until 5:30pm, and through the night from 9pm to 7am, hosted by our Hispanic community.
We will have Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday following the 12pm Mass until 5:30pm, and through the night from 9pm to 7am, hosted by our Hispanic community.
We will have Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday following the 12pm Mass until 5:30pm, and through the night from 9pm to 7am, hosted by our Hispanic community.