We now have assisted hearing devices available. The clarity is truly amazing. We also installed a WiFi system that broadcasts pristine sound to smartphones with the “Listen Everywhere” app. Instructions on how to do that are available in the vestibule. Look for the “Assistive Listening” display.
We have a limited number of hearing devices available. As ask an usher if you would like to use one.
Contact Marc Aramian, [email protected], for further information, tech support, and volunteer opportunities.
Instructions for Listening with Your Smartphone
Here’s how to find and install the software you’ll need to take advantage of our new assisted hearing system.
For iPhones:
Open (tap) the “App Store” icon
Tap the magnifying glass icon to load the search function
Tap anywhere in the middle of the open space next to the magnifying glass icon
That should open the keyboard. Type “Listen Everywhere” then tap the “search” button
You’ll find a list of ‘apps’. Usually, the first one is somewhat tangentially related, paid advertising. Find the Listen Everywhere app and tap the GET icon. You may have to provide your Apple ID and password
When the app is finished downloading, the GET icon turns into an OPEN icon. Tap.
If you’re at Mass, leave that app open while you change applications to “Settings”
Tap the “WiFi” icon
Tap the "Listen Everywhere” network. Once you’re successfully connected, switch to the "Listen Everywhere” app
Tap the “Venue Scan” icon
Your phone should automatically locate and connect to the WiFi signal. When it does, it will show a “Basilica” icon. Tap to begin listening to the clear audio signal.
You’ll find pause and play icons. Use your earbuds or bluetooth to listen so as not to disturb the people around you. Your usual volume controls work while using this app.
For Android phones:
Tap the Play icon
Tap the magnifying glass icon to load the search function
Tap anywhere in the middle of the open space next to the magnifying glass icon
That should open the keyboard. Type “Listen Everywhere” then tap the “search” button
You’ll find a list of ‘apps’. Find the Listen Everywhere app and tap the INSTALL icon. You may have to provide your Gmail or Google ID and password
If you’re at Mass, leave that app open while you change your WiFi network
Press the top of your screen and drag it down to reveal your settings
Long-press (or Tap-and-hold) the “WiFi” icon
Tap the “+ Add Network” icon. The "Listen Everywhere” network will show on your screen. Tap it. Once you’re successfully connected, switch to the "Listen Everywhere” app
Tap the “Venue Scan” icon
Your phone should automatically locate and connect to the WiFi signal. When it does, it will show a “Basilica” icon. Tap to begin listening to the clear audio signal.
You’ll find pause and play icons. Use your earbuds or bluetooth to listen so as not to disturb the people around you. Your usual volume controls work while using this app.
Troubleshooting Tip
If you're having trouble connecting to Listen Everywhere using your Smartphone, try uninstalling the Listen Everywhere app, and then download it and reinstall it anew. This has fixed the problem in the past.