Registration is open for RE, Youth Group, and Jubilate Deo Youth Schola! Religious Education classes for preK through 12th grade will be offered Sundays at 10:15am beginning September 12. Class attendance is required for First Holy Communion and Confirmation and is strongly encouraged for all grades. Our Youth Group for grades 6-12 will meet Wednesdays from 6-8pm beginning August 25. The Jubilate Deo Youth Schola for grades 2-12 will meet Fridays 4:30-5:30pm beginning Sept. 10 for new students/returning students joining Oct. 1. Please register on our Youth Registration page for this year, even if you registered last year.
Parishioner Jim Stewart suffered a serious bike accident before Easter that resulted in a head injury and required a hip replacement. He has completed his rehab in Atlanta and is finally back in Chattanooga! His family has set up a Caring Bridge site to assist us in following his recovery and communicating support and encouragement to him. Please pray for Jim Stewart. Click for more info and to access the Caring Bridge site.
As a necessary step in the Cause for Sainthood for Father Patrick Ryan, the remains of Father Ryan will be exhumed beginning July 19 and moved to a new tomb at the basilica on July 31. The exhumation is a necessarily private event. However, all are invited to the July 31 events, including the procession from Mount Olivet to the Basilica, Memorial Mass, blessing of his new tomb, and reception. Click to view the invitation and listen to Jim Wogan's podcast interview with Fr. Carter and Dcn. Gaspar about this process.
Following Fr. Moises' transfer on August 1, we will no longer be able to offer Mass at 7am on Mondays, because there will only be one priest available at the Basilica on Mondays. We will continue to offer the Mass at 12pm Mondays and all our other regular Mass times.
In-person VBS for preK through 6th graders will be held August 2, 3, and 4 from 8:45 to 11:45am. Registration is due to Florence Porter by July 25. Register online (click for registration form) or fill out the printed form in the vestibule. Both adult and teen volunteers are needed. Please contact Florence Porter at [email protected] to sign up to volunteer. All volunteers 18 and up must be certified with Safe Haven.
Do you enjoy hearing and singing the traditional sacred music of the Mass? If you can sight read your voice part, sing on pitch, and join our Thursday 6:30pm rehearsals, please consider joining us. Click to find out more.
We would like to be able to re-open the Ombrellino Gift Shop, but we need several volunteers to keep it open on the weekend. Until we re-open, items can be purchased by contacting the parish office 9am-4pm Monday through Friday. For more info, contact Marina Delaney in the parish office at [email protected]
Bishop Richard F. Stika has issued a pastoral letter on sin and the worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist. You can read the document here:
We are looking into offering hearing assistance devices during Mass for the hard of hearing. Before we can invest in this new system, we will need the support of volunteers to help with handing out the hearing devices at each Mass, and keeping them charged. If you are interested in supporting this effort to help fellow parishioners hear the Mass, please contact Maria Rist in the choir loft or through the parish office.
Hemos decidido que debemos encontrar un nuevo edificio para la Casa de Oración de Santa Cruz, uno que sea más grande y esté mejor equipado para los muchos requisitos de nuestro ministerio y las muchas personas que asisten. El Padre David grabó un mensaje en video para explicar nuestro plan. Haga clic para obtener más información y ver el video.
El 1 de agosto, el P. Moisés Moreno se trasladará a Gatlinburg para servir de dos parroquias: Santa María en Gatlinburg y Santa Cruz en Pigeon Forge. Oremos por el Padre Moisés en acción de gracias por su ministerio aquí en la Basílica, y mientras trae sus dones a estas dos nuevas comunidades que lo necesitan, será recibido con amor. Padre David y Padre Valentin permanecerán asignado a la Basílica.
Bishop Stika has announced new priest assignments, which affect the Basilica. As of August 1, Fr. Moises Moreno will move to Gatlinburg to serve as Parochial Vicar of two parishes: St. Mary in Gatlinburg and Holy Cross in Pigeon Forge, and he will lead their Hispanic communities. Click to read more.