+Catherine Ann Nuccio, sister of Basilica parishioner Robert Nodes, passed away on Jan. 26, 2022. She will be buried at Mount Olivet on Friday, Feb. 4, at 10am. May her soul rest in peace. Please pray for her family during this time of mourning. Click to see her obituary and a video tribute.
If you’re a young person looking for community and friendships, Catholic Chatt is a place for young adults ages 18-39 to grow in faith, support each other, and build Catholic community in Chattanooga. The Catholic Chatt group, directed by our Basilica parishioner, Patrick Hanus, plans hiking, game nights, socials, bonfires and more throughout the year and would love for you to join them. Visit their website at CatholicChatt.com, and sign up for event alerts.
The Bieszad family of eight experienced a crisis in April 2021 when the children were separated from them, while extensive repairs and improvements were needed in their home. The family has gotten through the challenges and are settled together in their home, which was renovated with the help of Basilica parishioners. Andrew is now working at a local hospital, and Jessica is hoping to pursue a nursing degree. They are grateful for all the support. Read more about the Bieszads here: https://stspeterandpaulbasilica.com/news/prayer-and-help-needed-to-reunite-the-bieszad-family Click to learn more about their story.
The Church has begun a Papal Synod. In response to the invitation of our Pope and our Bishop, please visit synodsurvey.org to complete an anonymous 20-minute survey about your experiences with your local church, faith/religion and other circumstances. Catholics and non-Catholics of East Tennessee, ages 14 and up, are invited. Survey will close at 11:59pm Jan. 30. Thank you for your input.
Thank you to all who made donations for Christmas flowers. Click to see the list of donors and memorial donations. We plan to keep our Christmas poinsettias up as long as they last, along with the Nativity, through the extended season of Christmas and Epiphany, which will come to a close on Feb. 2 with the Presentation of the Lord.
Our RCIA candidates and catechumens have been meeting weekly since September to learn the Catholic faith. Sunday, Jan. 9th, at the 9:00 English Mass and the 1:30 Spanish Mass, they will participate in the Rite of Welcome. WE NEED SPONSORS to accompany the candidates on their faith journey. Please pray for our candidates, and contact our RCIA Coordinator, Dan Pacitti ([email protected]), or call the parish office this week if you are interested in serving someone as a sponsor. Thank you!