The Basilica is seeking adults aged 18 and up with experience caring for pre-school-aged children to attend the nursery on Sundays from 8:45am to 1pm, for $45/Sunday, or as a volunteer for the full shift or half-shift. Safe Environment training and background check required. Interested candidates should email [email protected]. Click for details.
It is traditional for parish priests to bless chalk for each family so that they may mark the names of the three Magi over their doors, in the blessing of homes as a witness of their faith and protection against evil. After Mass on the weekend of Jan. 4 & 5, 2025, you can pick up blessed chalk in the vestibule, and take it home for a traditional Epiphany House Blessing. Click to see the instructional flyer.
The Basilica Married & Engaged Ministry is planning a 4-week program for couples to improve communication, called “Resolve”, to help in their vocations as spouses, parents, and Christians. See the Resolve flyer and click here to take the quick survey indicated, to help us build this small-group in-home discussion starting in July.
Married couples of all ages: Join us Saturday, June 15, at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Lenoir City for a full-day retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Knoxville and Regnum Christi-Knoxville. Reflect, refocus, and rejuvenate your marriage. This is an opportunity for an intimate experience between you and your spouse only. No group discussions. Check-in at 8:30am. Retreat ends at 4:30pm. $86/couple (breakfast and lunch included). Click for more info and to register by June 9.
St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op meets at the Basilica on Friday mornings. Registration is open now until May 10th for the 2024-25 school year. (Families moving to Chattanooga over the summer may apply after that date.) Classes begin August 16 for nursery-aged children through high schoolers. Classes offered include Latin, Sign Language, Art, Science, US Geography, Chemistry, Health, and more. Detailed information and registration forms are posted on our St. Ambrose page (click to access). To schedule a visit or with questions, please e-mail [email protected].
“Accompany Me” Women’s Retreat Mar. 15-17 with Fr. Zachary Griffith will be hosted by the Dominican Sisters at Bethany Retreat House, 2002 Garner Creek Rd. Dickson, TN. Cost is $260. Space is limited. Register with Denice Eckler 423-322-5218.
Parishioner Katie Bird has organized a new Facebook group called "Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul (TN) - Buy Nothing Group." Basilica parishioners are encouraged to join and post items or services that they are offering to give away or looking to receive for free. The hope is to provide a convenient channel for practicing charity and solidarity within the Basilica community. Click for details.
We have a few spots left for women of all ages for a retreat Feb. 3-5 at the Bethany House in Dickson, TN! The title is Beyond the Noise and it will be led by Fr. Christopher Floersh. Afternoon walks, rosary, lectio divina, divine chapter, quiet time, holy hour, fellowship, and daily Mass. The Dominican Sisters pamper us with home-cooked meals and top-notch accommodations. Friday evening at 5 through Noon on Sunday (Central Time).
On March 17, 2021, Fr. Carter interviewed Nathan Bird, a Basilica parishioner who is engaged in understanding local politics, and the founder of the Chattanooga Civics website and podcast. Watch or read the interview here (as well as in the pastor's notes for March 28 and April 4). Note that Chattanooga has a run-off election for mayor and several city council seats on April 13, with early voting from March 24 to April 8.
The Tennessee Pro Life Leadership Conference, hosted by Students for Life of Southeast Tennessee, will be held Saturday, July 23, 2022, from 9am to 3pm, at Apison Baptist Church near Chattanooga. All ages welcome! Conference will feature Tina Whittington, VP of Students for Life of America; Seth Gruber, host of the Unaborted! Podcast; and numerous other inspiring and informative speakers from around the southeast. Register by July 15. Late registrations accepted for an additional $5. Click for details.
The Ombrellino Gift Shop would like to train volunteers so that we can open the store more often. If you are interested, please contact the gift shop and take our Safe Haven training if you have not already done so.
We are planning an outdoor Basilica party after the Under One Roof construction is completed! The tentative date is May 20, 2023 (rain date June 3, 2023). If you would like to help us plan this special event, please contact Debbie Cliche.
Looking for a Catholic homeschool experience with like-minded families? St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op, meeting in person on Fridays from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. We will also offer an afternoon option of life skill classes 1:30-2:30 on the 1st & 3rd Fridays each month. We meet at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in downtown Chattanooga. Registration is open March 1 through May 15 for the 2022-23 school year. Classes begin August 19 for nursery-aged children through high schoolers. Classes offered include Latin, Sign Language, Theology, Greek & Egyptian Mythology, and Biology/Animal Science. To schedule a visit or with questions, please e-mail [email protected]. Detailed information and registration forms are posted on St. Ambrose Homeschool Co-op page. Click here.
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of devout Catholic men looking to give back to and support their community, family and church. Founded in 1882 by Fr. John J. McGivney, the organization has grown to over two million members worldwide. The Knights are actively seeking new members. An initiation for new members will be held at the Council 610 Hall on Monday, March 14 at 6:30 PM. Knights from Council 610, which is affiliated with the Basilica, will be available to discuss membership and answer your questions after each Mass the weekend of March 5 and 6.
We are starting a Saints Anna and Simeon Society, called “STASIS”, to spiritually support people in difficult or irregular marriage situations, including those divorced and separated, who desire to live in communion with the Catholic Church. Now on our Marriage page are Catholic resources to help you or someone you know. If you are interested in being a part of our STASIS network to give and/or receive spiritual support, contact the parish office.
Due to life changes our Trail Life Troopmaster has had to step back. We are in need of a volunteer Troopmaster in order to continue. The Troopmaster organizes the troop leaders, oversees troop meetings. Previous outdoor experience in any capacity is encouraged. Click for more information.
If you’re a young person looking for community and friendships, Catholic Chatt is a place for young adults ages 18-39 to grow in faith, support each other, and build Catholic community in Chattanooga. The Catholic Chatt group, directed by our Basilica parishioner, Patrick Hanus, plans hiking, game nights, socials, bonfires and more throughout the year and would love for you to join them. Visit their website at, and sign up for event alerts.
The Bieszad family of eight experienced a crisis in April 2021 when the children were separated from them, while extensive repairs and improvements were needed in their home. The family has gotten through the challenges and are settled together in their home, which was renovated with the help of Basilica parishioners. Andrew is now working at a local hospital, and Jessica is hoping to pursue a nursing degree. They are grateful for all the support. Read more about the Bieszads here: Click to learn more about their story.
The Church has begun a Papal Synod. In response to the invitation of our Pope and our Bishop, please visit to complete an anonymous 20-minute survey about your experiences with your local church, faith/religion and other circumstances. Catholics and non-Catholics of East Tennessee, ages 14 and up, are invited. Survey will close at 11:59pm Jan. 30. Thank you for your input.